Thursday, April 29, 2010

Boys Dancing

This has been a busy week with new classes underway and "bring a friend" days giving new children a taste of our form of dancing. Sometimes it is hard for dancers to bring friends as all their friendship group dances. Sometimes there is another reason. For some students, often boys, it is a secret that they dance. Their friends don't know, they feel they will be made fun of if news of their interest gets out. Even in this day and age with So You Think You Can Dance being such a success the question of boys dancing is an issue that can result in bullying by some who ignorantly think dancing is not the strong, athletic activity that it is. We as dance teachers do our best to support and encourage boys but sadly sometimes it is not enough and talented students leave to join basketball teams and pursue other more socially accepted physical challenges. What percentage of your school's students are boys? How do you encourage them to combat social pressure and keep dancing? I would love to hear from you.

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